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mio Tableau vivant “lettrice” F. Faruffini

This unhappy 2020 will be remembered as the year of covid19, the virus that managed to put the whole world in difficulty.

Unfortunately, my country was the first of the western ones to be heavily affected by its destructive force. In addition to this, for the ones who work like me in the field of tourism (I am a tourist guide), there’s the very sad primacy of having been the first to stop working, and probably we will be the last to re-start.

But the nature of tourist guides is to look around the world, be proactive and positive. The splendid complicity with some colleagues in Milan gave rise to nice challenges like the tableau vivant one.

Moreover, I had the welcome proposal for collaboration with the company Artaway, with which I am planning and conducting on-line guided tours through the Zoom platform. One must turn need into a virtue; the long lockdown of my country has allowed me to play with colleagues from a distance and open up to a new horizon of guided visits made with the help of technology.

Read the article by Repubblica “Città e musei gite pasquali con ArtAway”

I am sure that soon we will all return to feel good and we will, therefore, have the possibility to choose to visit our favorite places also physically. Do not miss the opportunity to try an on-line guided tour, and you will be amazed.

Click here to book a tour or for further information.



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