+39 3338031821 info@visit-milano.net

Privacy Policy


By visiting the website www.visit-milano.net (hereinafter referred to as “the Website”), or by sending an message via the section “Contacts” or by sending an email to any email address shown in the Website, you consent to the processing of personal data related to identified or identifiable persons (hereinafter “Processing”). This document provides Users with a description of how the Processing is managed and constitutes a privacy policy statement under Article 13 D. Lgs. 196/2003 of the Italian Code on Protection of Personal Data (Codice in materia di Protezione dei dati personali, hereinafter “the Code”). Owner and data controller: Emanuela Bergamaschi – emanuela.bergamaschi@libero.it


Navigation data

The IT systems and software procedures necessary to the correct functioning of the Website collect some personal data as part of their normal operations. Transmission of any such data is implicit in internet communication protocols. Such information is not collected to be associated with identifiable persons, however its very nature may cause Users to be identified. Such collection of data comprises IP addresses, the domain names of the computers utilized by the Users while accessing the Website, the URL (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method utilized to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response from the server (success, error), and other parameters related to the operative system and the IT environment of the User.

These data are processed with the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information regarding the use of the Website and to monitor its well-functioning; data are cancelled immediately after their processing. This Website does not utilize cookies for the transmission of personal information and it does not utilize persistent cookies, that is systems for tracking Users. The use of the so-called session cookies (which are not permanently stored in the computer of the User and are deleted after the browser is closed) is strictly limited to the transmission of such session cookies (which consist of random, server-generated numbers) necessary to allow the User to navigate the Website safely and efficiently. The session cookies of this Website allow us to avoid resorting to other IT techniques which may affect the confidentiality of User’s navigation; furthermore, session cookies cannot acquire personal data that may identity the User.

Data voluntarily provided by the User

By optionally, explicitly and voluntarily sending an email to any of the email addresses shown in the Website, or by sending a message via the section “Contacts”, you consent to the storage of the email address of the Sender and any other personal data included in the message (as it is necessary for answering the request of the User).


In addition to what specified heretofore with respect to navigation data necessary to ensure a correct use of the Website, any User is free to provide his/her personal data in order to ask an urgent reply from Magda Censi. Any failure to provide any such data may result in the impossibility to obtain what has been requested.


Personal data are processed through manual, electronic and automated systems for such time as is necessary to achieve the purposes for which they had been collected. The owner has implemented specific security measures so as to ensure that the Processing is compliant with the Code, particularly regarding data loss prevention, unlawful or improper use of such data, and unauthorized access to databases.


Users are entitled in any moment to obtain confirmation of the existence or the absence of their personal data, and to have such data communicated to them in an intelligible form. Users are entitled to obtain information about: – the content and the origin of their personal data; – the aims of the Processing and its methods; – the rationale behind the Processing through electronic systems; – the personal details of the owner and the Data Controller(s); – the subjects or the categories of subjects to whom such personal data may be disclosed, or who may acquire knowledge thereof as data controllers or data processors.

Users are also entitled to obtain: – the updating, rectification or, where interested, integration of their data; – the cancellation, anonymization, or blocking of unlawfully processed data, including such data whose storage is not required for the purposes for which they were collected and/or subsequently processed; – the certification that the two above-mentioned operations and their contents have been notified to the parties to which such data have been communicated or disseminated, unless this proves impossible or entails the use of means that are manifestly disproportionate to the right being protected.

For legitimate reasons, Users may completely or partially object to the processing of their personal data, even though they may be relevant to the purposes of the collection.

In order to exercise such rights, Users may contact the Data Collector, Emanuela Bergamaschi, by sending an email to the emanuela.bergamaschi@libero.it indicating “Privacy – exercise of User rights” in the subject line of the email. Data may also be processed by other Data Processors. 


The data collected by the Website shall not be disclosed, communicated, sold and/or transferred to third parties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any such data will be communicated and disclosed in compliance with the law to police forces, judiciary authorities, information and security bodies, or any other public subjects for defense and State security purposes, as well as for crime prevention, investigation, or prosecution.


di Emanuela Bergamaschi

P. IVA 06230300961

Tel.:  +39 3338031821
Email: info@visit-milano.net



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